type in google : M%26amp;M's PETA animal cruelty.... go to a site and it will show a cruelty videoHow are animals tested for cosmetics?
Do you really want to know? It's pretty disgusting.
One test, the eye irritancy test, basically puts whatever the product is into an animal's eye and monitors the result. Maybe they go blind. Maybe their eyelids swell shut. Maybe their eyes start to ooze and crust over, or bleed. Maybe nothing happens.
The Draize test is similar, but the substance is put on the animal's skin rather than in its eyes. Maybe the animal just gets some of its fur taken off. Maybe it gets a rash. Maybe it gets an infection.
Another test, the acute toxicity test, is designed to find out what a lethal dose of an item is. Basically, they poison a group of animals to see how many of them die.
Wikipedia has a pretty good article on this. It's very well-cited, so you can go to the original sources for more information.
As for preparing poultry for production, do you mean how do they raise the birds, or what they do to prepare the dead birds for consumption?
animals are tested by the people having the animal eat or shove it in or on places of the animal such as lipstick and other products and seeing there reacting but only by the animals that are alike to humans its very sad and horrible and the poultry production is them feeding the animals things to make there meat fatter so once they are killed they can have its really meat and the fake meat that grows over
i no its horrible but i hope i helped
hope your speech is great
%26lt;3z Brittany
Look up Henry Spira and Peter Singer...they are really influencial in the animal rights movement. Spira stopped Revlon from testing on animals in the 1980s I think (they may have changed since, but idk).
I don't like to know what they do too much, but I do know that they keep rabbits eyes open and put various chemicals in them to see what the damage is. They keep them like that for a long time. I'm sure there is more, but that is what I read and I didn't want to read any more.
Hope this helps!
with makeup they put the makeup on the animals and see if it gives them an infection or any sort of irritation... with detergents they test to see how ';human'; eye or system reacts.. if its poisonous or dangerous... its a cruel horrible thing
some more info for ya
It's usually a multiple choice test that requires a lead #2 pencil.
Ever hear of putting lipstick on a pig? That's how ;O)
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