Saturday, November 28, 2009

Reasons why animal testing on cosmetics are bad?

i got reason one---its cruel

i just need 2 more, helpp!Reasons why animal testing on cosmetics are bad?
It can cause undeserved pain to an animal, and, in some cases, death. It's not like the animals used have any choice like humans do when they sign up to be testing subjects!Reasons why animal testing on cosmetics are bad?
There has been much controversy about using animals in experiments for decades. People converse over different alternatives for animal testing and the inhumane way scientists treat these animals in experiments. This topic causes so much controversy because there are ethical issues to consider such as the treatment of the animals and the reasoning behind testing on these animals if it’s for a greater cause or not. As of now, I am for animal testing for many beneficial reasons that come out of animal testing. Although in some cases animals maybe abused, there have been so many discoveries with medicine with testing these drugs on animals.

Until we find a better way of testing drugs I believe animal testing is ethical. The research that has been gathered from animals has surpassed anything scientists could hope for. So why would such a highly debatable topic arise from such great accomplishments? Scientists use animals to test a theory and then alter their theories based upon the valuable information gathered from each experiment. Animal rights activists believe that animals are used for pointless tests and suffer tremendously (Beckoff, M. %26amp; Meaney, C. A, 1998). They tend to look aside from the facts that animals have given millions around the world a new outlook on life, and would rather see only the negative side effects of animal testing which far outweighs the positive things animal testing has contributed to the medical world. They don’t realize that the animals they believe are being harmed, have not only impacted their lives in some way, but have impacted their families, friends, and children by providing people with vaccines and antibiotics which are deserving of more accreditation than what they label them.

Millions of lives are saved every year because of one animal’s, results to either a drug or new form of surgery, and I believe instead of believing that an animal’s life was a waste; I view it instead as the next step in bettering people’s lives for hundreds of years to come. Animal testing is the most predominant forms of testing used by scientists; the results they yield bring a new outlook on life for millions around the world.

Animal testing should be outlawed because it is hurtful and not necessary. Do animals feel the same pain that we as humans feel? How do we know that other humans feel pain? We know that we ourselves can feel pain. We know this from direct experience of having your finger slammed in a drawer, or stubbing your toe on a chair.

It is said that pain is a mental event; something that can not be observed. Pain is something that is felt, and we can only assume that other humans feel pain from external indications such as our own like crying, screaming, or jerking away from something. If we can justify that other humans feel pain, why is it said that animals do not feel pain? When an animal is poked, burned, or stepped on; they will cry, yelp, or jerk away. Since the external indicators are the same, we can assume that animals feel the same pain that we as humans feel. Animal protection advocates stress that the main disadvantage of animal testing is the inhumane treatment of animals in tests due to the fact that anesthesia for the help of pain is often not used. Scientists say that using anesthesia will interfere with test results.

Tests that are performed on animals range from them being forced to ingest different household cleaning products and then monitored to see the results and new cosmetics placed on their skin to find out if there are any side effects that would be harmful to a human. There are even some practices where animals are forced to ingest a medicine before it is put on the market to make sure that there are no life- threatening illnesses that will be caused to a human from taking the product. In order to test corrosive chemicals like Savage Acid and Goodbye Graffiti, rabbits backs are shaved and corrosive chemicals are applied onto their raw skin and left for up to two weeks. The chemicals burn the skin and the rabbits are given no pain relief. After the testing period the rabbits used are then killed.

Today the term “vivisection” is used. Vivisection is defined as “cutting while still alive” but it is more commonly used today as any harmful experiment or test that is performed on an animal. Animal experimentation involves the incarceration of animals and poisoning, mutilation, disease and killing of those individuals. It is arguably the most brutal and most severe form of violence in the modern world.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires by law that pesticides be tested on dogs, which are shoved into ';inhalation chambers'; where they try in vain to escape the deadly poisons that are pumped in. The Food and Drug Administration requires companies marketing fluoride products to swab the teeth of 200 rats with the test substance for two weeks, at which time the animals are killed and their heads baked in an oven for an hour an
umm it can kill animals! its mean and wrong! animals deserve to live just as much as we do! ill admit i use products tested on animlas but im not for it im mostly agianst it! the only good thing is that we dont die from it the animal does but still its mean and wrong agian they have a right to live to!
animals have different reactions than humans to a lot of things. So testing a product on them could give them a bad reaction and not give the same reaciton to people.
They have different reactions to things than humans do.

And it could hurt or possibly kill innocent animals.

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